
GERZ Matratzen GmbH
Mühlsteig 53
90579 Langenzenn

Telephone: 0049/ 9101/909590
Fax: 0049/ 9101/9095919

Director: Marc Gerzoskovitz, Eduard Gerzoskovitz
Local court: Fürth HRB 4055
UST-ID: DE 132762286


Monday-Thursday: 9:00am – 4:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday: 10:00am – 2:00pm

How to find us: To Langenzenn – In Langenzenn
B8 drive: Langenzenn Süd

Get In Touch

9 + 6 =

Data security:

Your name and your email will be saved according to Art. 6 DSVGO to contact you. After the reason of contact your informations will be deleted. Your data will only be saved, if i gets to a buying contract. You have the right to ask for your saved data and the right to aks for delete or correct of data. You can contact the state office if you have any complains.